A member of the Portuguese Bar Association since 1986, Pedro Sousa e Silva holds a PhD in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (2016), a Masters in Legal and Business Sciences, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (1994), a degree in Hautes Études Européennes (Legal) from the Collège d'Europe, in Bruges (1985) and Degree in Law from the Catholic University of Portugal, in Porto (1984).

A member of the Portuguese Bar Association since 1986, Pedro Sousa e Silva holds a PhD in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (2016), a Masters in Legal and Business Sciences, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (1994), a degree in Hautes Études Européennes (Legal) from the Collège d'Europe, in Bruges (1985) and Degree in Law from the Catholic University of Portugal, in Porto (1984).

Professional activity

Lawyer and Partner at “Pinheiro Torres, Cabral, Sousa e Silva e Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, R.L.”
Specialist in Intellectual Property Law by the Portuguese Bar Association.
Professor at I.S.C.A. of the University of Aveiro, since 1986 (Tax Law, European Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, Industrial Property and Marketing Law, and E-commerce Law). Visiting professor at the Catholic University, Oporto Law School (2005-2012), teaching Civil Procedure. Taught in several post-graduate courses, namely at the European Studies Centre of Catholic University (European Union Law) and at the Lisbon Faculty of Law (Intellectual Property).
Arbitrator in Intellectual Property matters, namely pharmaceutical patents.


French, English and Spanish


Direito Industrial. Noções fundamentais (Industrial Property Law. Fundamentals), Almedina, 2020 Download

A Protecção Jurídica do Design (The Legal Protection of Design), Almedina, 2017 Download

Denominações de Origem e Indicações Geográficas (Appelations of Origin and Geographical Indications) Download

Anotação ao Acórdão Port Charlotte: “Hard cases make bad law” (Comment to the Port Charlotte Judgment: “Hard cases make bad law”) Download

Esgotamento do Direito e Importações Paralelas (Exhaustion of Rights and Parallel Imports) Download

O princípio da especialidade das marcas (The principle of specialty in trade marks) Download

A Responsabilidade Tributária dos Administradores e Gerentes na Lei Geral Tributária e no CPPT (The Tax Liability of Administrators and Managers in the General Tax Law and in the CPPT) Download